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Yearly Subscriptions and Application Form 2025.

Get in touch

Yearly subscriptions are for a Playing member or a Non playing member.

The Subscriptions support the upkeep and maintenance of the club.

The latest fees are in the application form.

There is also for Playing members a one off life membership fee of £15 to become a member of the British Crown Green Bowling Association.


A non playing member is more than welcome to attend Club functions events  and to support league games, but cannot take part in bowling events or use the green.


Playing members are eligible to take part in all Organised league games and any bowling events at the club or other locations.


If you take part in League games, there is a nominal fee per game for supporting tea or coffee and biscuits purchase. (£1 or £2).


Application forms need to be sent to the Club by the end of November, to allow the registration of players in time for the league commencement usually during early April of the following year.

The subscriptions to be paid by the end of January for that year.

To play in the league a player needs to be registered by the club.


To join the club or to re-register for the year,

Download and save a copy of the form to your laptop, tablet or PC first. This will be in "Microsoft word" format. Populate the boxes and return via email.

Please note the form will not look correct if downloaded to a phone, and the relevant boxes will not align.

Ready printed Forms are also available in the pavilion.


For any questions or further help please use the "Get in touch" box and we'll be in touch as soon and possible.













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